Coronavirus and Schools: Progress Reporting for the Fourth Quarter (Follow Up)
The firm suggests how 4th quarter progress might be reported if report cards are not being issued.
The firm suggests how 4th quarter progress might be reported if report cards are not being issued.
When schools reopen and there are programs held virtually for everyone - except those students who must attend in person - the firm is asked if this is discriminatory to those who would opt to attend in-school instruction if they could.
The firm is asked how a school district might word progress reporting for the fourth quarter during the coronavirus closure.
The CDC has offered guidelines for the reopening of schools after the coronavirus closure. The firm is asked how those guidelines will affect the inclusion of students with significant disabilities.
The firm is asked: what is a district to do with students that are failing online learning during the coronavirus closure?
The firm shares legal considerations that must be considered for schools planning a virtual graduation ceremony.
The firm shares some thoughts on clearing the backlog of evaluations and reevaluations while managing ongoing referrals and reevaluations when schools reopen after the coronavirus closure.
The firm is asked whether a baseline for an IEP can be obtained virtually during the coronavirus closure.
A school that already communicated with parents on a possible ESY during the coronavirus closure asks the firm to review its outreach to make sure all necessary information was included.
The firm offers advice for those seeking guidance concerning graduation of students with disabilities, and if these students are entitled to compensatory services once schools re-open after the coronavirus closure.